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Monday, February 16, 2009

Steve & Chantel

Steve & Chantel were married on Mt Tambourine @ Cedar Creek Estates
The estate has a purpose built chapel for weddings and a great reception hall, this combined with the beautiful grounds is a perfect location for a wedding.

The following images are just a sample of what was taken on the day.

The boys just having a game of cards, Steve thought he had the winning hand and went all in...Big mistake.

Dove release

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Robbie & Rachel

Robbie & Rachel are getting married in Port Douglas in March. I will be traveling to photograph the wedding for them. Due to Rachel working in the city they were unable to get back to Beenleigh before dark to do there pre-wedding shoot, so we decided to do a night portrait shoot. This is a task on its own, i had to use long exposures to capture background detail and to give the camera enough light to make an exposure, in addition to this Robbie and Rachel for that matter like to mess around and keeping them still was a major challenge.

These are a few of the images i came up with, the wedding should be lots of fun to shoot based on there performance last night.