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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Jerry Ghionis workshop-Perth

Wow.. I am in total awe of this guy, he has totally re inspired me to shoot images, not just wedding but all images, he has a wonderful way of teaching that puts you at ease and inspires you beyond anything I have known before. Even after the first day my knowledge and confidence has improved beyond anything i would have thought. Have a look at Jerry's Website

In your life you might meet 50,000 people. Out of these people maybe 3 of 4 you would say "Change your life" Jerry Ghionis is one of those people, i have been to many, many seminars and scribbled pages of notes and I don’t think that if you added them up (and removed the doodles) you would have 10 pages of notes that I might look back over once or twice. I wrote notes till my hand cramped at Jerry’s workshop, i have half a book of notes that I have re read 5 times already and I will continue to read them. I would lay money on it that ANY photographer in the world would benefit from a Jerry workshop. His ability to see light and to capture it is breathtaking and inspiring beyond words. He teaches in a way that you hang off every word, I don’t thing i looked at my watch once or doodled once in 4 days. Jerry I bow my head to you, it’s by far the best money I have ever spent on self improvement

Bring on the weddings...


Anonymous said...

HI Vinecent
happy to meet you in perth. and really nice photo !


Vinnie said...

CM Thanks for the comment, i think that from all the photographers i met in Perth (except Jerry) you have the most amazing artistic view on photography, i cant wait to come to Hong Kong to do a CM workshop.

Best regards
